💯 11 Content Ideas That Drives Revenue, 1 Question From One of You & 1 Give-Away

This week’s edition of the Huntrs Newsletter is brought to you by:

Paul Caffrey

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11 Content Ideas That Drives Revenue

Yes, you’re right.

From this week I’ll be sending out the Huntrs newsletter on Wednesdays.

Let’s dive in!

You can literally steal these 11 content ideas and reverse engineer for your content:

  1. Share a polarising opinion - see my example

  2. Share your values - see my example

  3. Share a moment when you felt out of your comfort zone

  4. Share a frustration from the work that you do and share how you solved it

  5. Old way vs. new way of doing things - see my example

  6. Share a funny and relatable meme - see my example

  7. Create a listicle (people love a good shortcut) - see my example

  8. Share the worst advise you ever received

  9. Share a win - see my example

  10. Fundamental things you believe in - see my example

  11. Empower people & become relatable - see my example

Let me add one more:
12. Social proof - describe your customers ultimate desire - see my example

Use frustration, your career, knowledge, skills, learnings, failures, stories and turn it into your superpower.

This is how I built a 6-figure business ($) last year through organic content.

Take a guess - which one of those posts generated the most revenue for me? E.g which one created the most inbound?


The person who are first to email me, with the correct answer, will get this guide from me for free: How to create and structure content on LinkedIn ($65)

Exciting to see who will win 😄👏

1 Question from one of you… 🧲

One of you reached out last week with a great question.

The question was:

“How do you validate an idea?”

The best way to validate an idea is to speak with potential customers and ask for their direct input.

So, before you build an MVP, do some research by speaking to people you know have experience in the area.

It’s still so common, that people have an idea and then they start building a product without speaking to people and seeing if its an idea that makes sense, and if there’s a need in the market for it.

By doing that, you will find out:

Are people willing to pay for this product?

What’s the current solution for it?

Understand where your product/solution fits in to the market.

What kind of sales cycle can you expect?

How do people buy this type pf service?

Find out before you start building.

Time flies when we have fun…

Have a great rest of the week 👋

💯 PS. Want to get your brand in front of 2500+ founders, builders, entrepreneurs, and leaders? Sponsor this newsletter - Book your spot here.

🔥 Here are 4 ways I can help you:

Need help to build demand for your business or monetize your skills and knowledge and build multiple income streams? Send me an email: [email protected]

Ready to become a thought leader and grow your audience & personal brand? Grab my guides or book a coaching call with me

We turn CEOs and investors into thought leaders and build organic pipeline for them.

Want to sponsor this newsletter and get your brand in front of 2500+ founders, builders, entrepreneurs, and leaders? Book your spot here.

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