🧶 24 + 2 tips from 2 years of growing an audience

5 days ago this went viral.

So I decided to go a bit deeper on each point + added 2 more.

Let’s go!

The 3 biggest mistakes people make when growing an audience

1. They only post educative content

2. They can’t stay consistent and give up too easily

3. They think LinkedIn is a billboard so they sell in every post

People on LinkedIn wants to be educated, inspired and entertained.

You need to tick all 3 boxes.

Meme: Daniel Disney

Here’s 24 tips from 2 years of growing an audience:

1 - Content is all about emotions - you need to make people feel something.

2 - Building audience is 50% content, 50% engaging on the platform. 2-3 comments per day on other people's content is not enough.

3 - Decide what you want to be known for. For me it means; go to market, startups, content-led growth, revenue growth, future of work, personal branding and entrepreneurship.

4 - Don't niche down, this is terrible advice. You are the niche.

5 - Understand your target audience. This means; who they are, what they care about, what they want in life, their pains, their desired outcomes, their challenges, the lifestyle they want.

6 - If everyone agrees with you, you're not doing a great job. Do your thing, some will like it, some will not. Accept it.

7 - Top of funnel content should be wide.

8 - BUILD A SYSTEM to help you continue when you want to quit.

9 - Market yourself like your life depended on it. Show off your experiences and results. Show why people should listen to you. Your personal brand will compound over time. No one can take this away from you.

10 - Most people have a messy LinkedIn profile that creates confusion with a million different things with no clarity. Your profile should be crystal clear; who you are, what you do and who you help. Everything changed for me when I turned my profile into a landing page.

11 - 99% of people give up. Don't be like most people. You know how the gym is in January? This is the same. Most people won’t be around end of February. Keep going 👊

12 - If you're posting content and not growing, its very likely that your content is not good enough. So drop the ego → ask for help.

13 - Grow with the platform and your community. What people wanted a year ago is not the same as it is now. Learn about different formats, when and why to use them.

14 - Show different sides of yourself. You will attract the right people this way. Check my content and see how I do it here.

15 - Understand the user to improve performance: people have short attention span on social media, and people come to LinkedIn to scroll the feed. It's your job to find ways to grab their attention.

16 - Commit to topics and create content that navigates around those topics. People on LinkedIn want to be educated, inspired, and entertained. Entertaining content is the one most people struggle with. Here’s an example of how I do it and still get my message across.

17 - Create and post short form content (longer form for newsletters or place some of the post in the comments like this one). Most people don’t use LinkedIn newsletters like I do. I’m enjoying it and it converts really well.

19 - Attach yourself to something bigger than yourself. Meaning this:

20 - After 4 months, repurpose your best content. People don't remember and you have new followers by then too.

21 - Analyse the spectrum of your ideal client/your desired outcome so you know what content to create.

22 - Engage and invest in building REAL relationships. There are no shortcuts here.

23 - Don't chase followers, build a community.

24 - Skip obvious content. Please. If it doesn’t bring value, skip it.

25 - Become relatable. People buy from people they like and relate too. Don’t know how to do this? Drop the ego → ask for help.

26 - Personal storytelling receives 7x more engagement and 4x more reach. TELL STORIES.

This is not rocket science.

But it requires work and commitment.

It can literally change your life, career and business.

It has changed mine.

So go do the work and grab those 👀

Are you playing the game right? 🤔

Here’s what Benny (former Chief Data Officer at Jaguar Land Rover) said about working with me:

Have a great weekend everyone 👋

PS. Want to reach this audience? Promote your business by sponsoring the HUNTRS newsletter and get your brand in front of founders, builders, entrepreneurs, and leaders for only 30 EUR? → Sponsor the HUNTRS newsletter.

→ Reach: 1,900+ subscribers

→ Open rate: 55.24%

→ Click-through rate: 6.74%

🔥 How to work with me

Whenever you're ready there's 5 ways I can help you:

  1. Need help with your go-to-market strategy? Send me an email: [email protected]

  2. Ready to become a thought leader and grow your audience & personal brand? Let’s chat - reach me here

  3. These are the guides I wish I had when I started building audience - grab my personal branding guides:

    → How To Turn Your Profile Into A Landing Page
    → How to Create & Structure Content on LinkedIn
    → How To Get Started With Building Your Personal Brand on LinkedIn
    → How To Update Your LinkedIn Profile (if you are looking for a new job)

  4. Need help from a fractional sales rep / sales ops? This is how we can help.

  5. We turn founders, builders, CEOs and investors into thought leaders. This is how you can work with us.