🔥 9 Things To Avoid In Your Content on LinkedIn

If you want to build effectively on LinkedIn.

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Put yourself in places you don’t belong.

I love these words so much 🤩

2x per week I share tips on how to break free from a 9-5, build multiple revenue streams, build your personal brand and a life (and a business) we don’t need a vacation from.

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🔥 9 Things To Avoid In Your Content on LinkedIn

1 - Don’t use links in the posts.

It slows down the reach.

If you have loads of followers, you can afford to share links now and then.

If you don’t, skip it and share the link in the comments instead and get better reach.

2 - You don’t need to use hashtags anymore.

LinkedIn has removed them.

This means that the need for clarity in your profile and content is even more important.

Did you know

3 - If you don’t warm up (comment on other people’s posts) before you publish your post, don’t bother posting.

Too many people think LinkedIn is a billboard.

It’s not.

It’s the worlds biggest professional network which means LinkedIn wants active users.

You get better reach when you spend time engaging on the platform.

4 - Avoid big blocks of text.

LinkedIn posts are top of funnel content.

It’s not supposed to be deep and detailed.


People have a short attention span.

Think user experience: People scroll the feed.

Learn how to grab attention through value added content:

Keep it light.

Simple to read.

Use lists.

Write like you speak.

One sentence per row.

Use spaces between sentences.

Make it scannable.

Like this:

LinkedIn post

5 - Posting and quitting.

Audience is built through consistency.

We are rewarded on these platforms for being consistent.

If you are serious about building an audience on LinkedIn you should post 5 times per week.

I post every single day.

6 - Avoid writing too generic posts and comments.

“I love it”

Or “I agree”

Helps no one.

A great comment is a comment that:

  • Is placed as early as possible when the post is published
    The more eyeballs you get, the better.

  • A comment that is so good it could work as a post on its own

    Like this:

First comment

Or this:

Second comment

And how to avoid writing generic content?

You avoid it by being specific.

7 - Don’t pitch your own services or post in someone else’s comment section.

It’s just not..very nice.

8 - Don’t copy someone else’s post word by word.

You can of course be inspired by someone’s content.

And learn from people who are ahead of you.

We all do. All the time.

Avoid taking exact phrases or paragraphs from someone else’s content, and posting it as your own.

That’s not being inspired.

That’s plagiarism.

Know the difference.

9 - This one is a given but hey, it’s common so here it goes: Don’t insult people and don’t be rude.

Let’s agree to disagree.

But being rude and insulting people to get your point across.

There’s no room on social media for it.

What would you put as number 10?

What do you find hard about building on LinkedIn?

How can I help you?

Let me know đź‘‹

Have a great rest of the week everyone!

🌎 Whenever you’re ready, there are 4 ways I can help you:

  1. If you need help to build demand for your business, consider booking a consultation call with me - this is what I advise on.

  2. Grab my guides and learn how to create content for social media, build audience and your personal brand - get instant access here.

  3. We turn CEOs, executives and investors into thought leaders and build organic pipeline for them - here’s how to work with us.

  4. Book a personal branding coaching call with me, or check out my program.

    🔥 NEW: I recently launched my new program: How to build a lean & profitable online business