🔥 5 Ways to get more customers

Apply these strategies now and start selling MORE

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The Future of Work Management

Picture a world where workflows are finely tuned, automated to perfection, and seamlessly integrated with your favorite apps. It's not just a platform; it's a revelation—a space where managers gain unparalleled visibility into team processes, ensuring each project is a resounding success. Step into the future of work management with monday.com, where efficiency isn't a goal; it's a given.

From startups to industry giants, monday.com has transformed how teams work. Why not let your team be the next success story?

  1. 🚀 Build an audience

    If you can’t build the audience, don’t start the company. This advice is from Greg Isenberg, CEO & Founder of Late Checkout. He’s also advisor to Reddit and TikTok.

    I agree with a lot of the things he says about how to build a company.

  2. 🎯 Do personalized outreach

    Create a target list of companies you would like as customers and build a plan for approaching them in a personal way (don’t spam PLEASE)

  3. 🤝 Do smart partnerships

    Look around and see who has an audience in the same target area you want to build and sell to?

    See if you can team up with them somehow; exchange services, co-create something, do a webinar together, sponsor their newsletter, have them pitch your product to their clients/audience/readers/visitors etc.

    Be creative here.

  4. 🙌 Ask your clients for referrals

    This is such an easy one, that people forget. Including myself. It’s such low hanging fruit and so easy to do but often forgotten.

    When I led the same team at Remote, we used to do this. We would not end a sales call without asking this simple questions:

    “Do you have someone in your network who would need our services?”

  5. 📱 Ads

    If you have the budget, payed ads is an option.

  6. 🧲 Build your personal brand to boost everything that you do

    Build your personal brand, and:

    → fuel revenue growth to your company

    → reach your ideal customer profile at scale

    → make it easier to launch new products and services

    → create authority and credibility which makes people listen more

    → make it easier to start another company vs starting from scratch every time

    This has endless upside to it.

    Read my latest edition of The Future of Work Newsletter here.

As mentioned in the last newsletter edition, I’m a huge believer in building your company as an ecosystem.

This is a perfect business model for anyone looking to bootstrap a company or transitioning from a traditional career into building a portfolio career.

You trade some of your time for money (to pay the bills) and then gradually you start productising your knowledge.

And package your knowledge and skills into products.

Like this:

You have the different strategies on the left.

(you don’t need to do all of them)

And the different levels of products and services on the right.

You start building in one corner and then gradually add another, then another one, and another…

In the beginning all of them are siloed, but once you start cross referencing between products, services, and content..

..this baby starts to compound.

And the flywheel keeps spinning faster and faster.

And you can sell less of your time, and more products.

Most people never build this because they are simply too impatient.

You need to believe in your vision like a mad person.

Day in and day out.

In case you missed it…

🤖 "In 30 years, a robot will likely be on the cover of Time Magazine as the best CEO" - Jack Ma

What do you think, is Jack Ma right? Join the poll here

📈 Every year, LinkedIn calibrates the algorithm 4-5 times. This time it took one month to come back to the average weekly traffic I had before: 1,205,585 impressions per week.

When this happens, most people freak out. It’s just like the stock market. So never mind people, keep calm, and keep going.

🪙 I just started reading Scott Galloway’s new book; The Algebra of Wealth - A Simple Formula For Financial Security.

I just got started but I can already recommend this book, I just love him and how he always looks at the big picture and questions it.

Time’s up for this week…

Have a great one! 👋

PS. Swedish spring is officially here. If you know Swedes, you’ll know that this is when we come out to play. See ya!

✍️ Before we go…

→ Want to reach 78,200+ people or 3,300+ people? You can now sponsor both The Future of Work newsletter and this newsletter - Book your spot here or here

→ Need help to build demand for your business or monetize your skills and knowledge and build multiple income streams? Send me an email: [email protected]

→ Ready to build your audience, personal brand and organic pipeline? Work with me for 3 months, here’s how