❌ 9-to-5 jobs will be extinct by 2034

6 Ways to stop being mediocre and avoid being replaced

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What’s worse than one day waking up and realising that you regret not giving that thing you always wanted to do a shot?

In a world where the majority of people follows the crowd, here are 6 ways to break free and stop being mediocre.

But first, today’s sponsor:


I have a special relationship with Deel.

Me and my team competed with Deel for several years.

I’m glad to have them as a sponsor of this edition.

📙 Grab the free guide from them

Securing top talent with our guide is a click away

At Deel, we've simplified a world's worth of global hiring information. Our expert teams can help you navigate quick and compliant hiring in 150+ countries and so much more.

1 - Pick a skill you want to learn and spend time on it daily → small daily actions compound

I’m talking skills that will be valuable in the future and will avoid you being replaced.

2 - Learn how to use AI → future-proof yourself

If you’re still not serious about AI, you have to change this ASAP.

What so many don’t realise is that we’re just at the start of this.

The coming 5-15 years will be messy for a lot of people.

There will be loads of change.

We will continue to see companies becoming slimmer and slimmer.

You can still:

- build a newsletter
- create content about AI and earn a ton of money
- interview people
- get sponsorships and partner deals
- start a podcast
- sell pdf:s
- build an AI tool (watch what I’m about to post on LinkedIn later today)
- etc etc.

Solve problems for people.

Stay at the top of the game.

So many people are sleeping out there.

I don’t understand it.

3 - Surround yourself with people who inspire you to aim higher → cultivate a winner’s mindset

Stop hanging around people who are going nowhere.

Actively search for people who are doing what you want to do. Be a sponge around them.

Spend time where they spend time.

Ask them questions.

Email them.

These are my mentors:

  • Podcasts

  • Books

  • Newsletters

  • Content

You need to own the navigation of your life and career.

And actively educate yourself.

The world is changing fast right now.

4 - Build multiple income streams → more independence and options

Every. Single. Day.

People approach me, email and reach out, and tell me they have either been let go, or want to start building something of their own.

But what most people do is:



And that’s where it stops.

They let time go by, and they never get started.

This is SO risky today.

There is no job security.

Build multiple revenue streams, whether you are employed or a business owner.

It’s a must.

The world is changing SO fast right now.

Not doing it is irresponsible.

5 - Build your personal brand and become the go-to in your industry → increase the luck surface area in your life and opportunity will find you

This is what the majority of people who are doing well are doing right now.

Build an audience.

Start speaking to the world.

Share your knowledge.

There is no better way to build opportunity, options and freedom for yourself.

Posting on LinkedIn changed my life.

6 - Monetise your skills and knowledge

Reid Hoffman - the founder of LinkedIn, predicts that nine-to-five jobs will be extinct by 2034.

That’s 9 years from now.

And Naval Ravikant predicts that everyone will work for themselves.

“The future will be almost all startups”

Naval Ravikant

I am 100% convinced this is where the world is heading.

Two things will matter:

  • your skills

  • your network

That’s it.

The gig economy is HERE. Full scale.

And it will only continue to spread out its wings.

Companies will continue become slimmer and slimmer.

If you should have one goal the coming months, it is this one.

→ Learn how to take your knowledge, package it and monetise it.

  • build a digital product

  • ebook

  • course

  • coaching

  • advisor role

  • learn podcasting

  • build a community

  • learn how to sell online

  • start a newsletter

This is how you:

→ Future-proof yourself
→ Become independent
→ Give yourself more options
→ Build your own momentum
→ Take ownership of your future
→ Become the boss of your own career

And stop putting all eggs in one basket.

This is not just for employees.

It’s for founders too.

Don’t have all your eggs in one basket.

Everything we want is on the other side.

I’m doing something really cool today together with a San Francisco based startup.

Hope you keep an eye out for it.

Until next time,

P.S. - Get 50% on all my guides (until Dec 1st) → use this discount code at checkout: BLACKFRIDAY2024

P.P.S. - There are coaches, creators and businesses everywhere making millions of $ from social media and the attention economy…while others are just doom scrolling - which one are you?