🔥 How To Avoid Being Boring

Generic boring AI content with zero soul is everywhere on social media.

Writing content for social media is hard.

But it’s not rocket science.

Generic boring AI content with zero soul is everywhere on social media.

This is a fantastic opportunity for us.

So, let’s resist obvious and generic content.

And avoid being boring.


By being specific.

Let’s do an exercise.

Grab one of the hooks below:

  1. How to + example

  2. Use odd numbers to pull people in. Example: “3 ways to…”.

  3. Describe your customers dream outcome. “I did X to achieve Y in 5 months”

Reverse engineer to fit your area and use specific language like this:

“I followed the tips in this video and we just booked 19 new calls in 3 days”.

You can even make it shorter like this:

“I booked 19 new calls in 3 days” space and on the third row: “This is how I did it:”


“How I quit a toxic job & started my own business in 12 months with no previous experience”

BOOM - you just know that kind of hook will kill it on the platform.

→ Give indications that you will teach them how - people love transformation and shortcuts.

Or simply entertain them with something relatable.

Like this post:

We are all just people.

Become relatable.

Share mistakes, lessons and inspiring stories.

This is how we build trust, authority and credibility.

Over a long period of time.

And when they are ready to buy from you, they self-qualify and reach out.

Everyone should be able to understand your posts.

Does that mean we are writing for everyone?


  • Some people will learn from your posts

  • Some will be inspired by your posts

  • Some will relate to your posts

And some will feel you understand them.

In case you missed it…

👏 We are growing: we welcomed Amin to Huntrs this week - I’m so grateful and happy to have incredible people in my network who wants to work with me and my clients. Remote work brings people together 🙏

📈 → Here's How You Grow Your LinkedIn Newsletter - 5 dos & 5 don’ts

👋 Btw, guess how the poll did from the last edition?

It turns out most people want to learn about:

  1. How to build a career & life we don't need a vacation from(16.8%)

  2. Hear stories about interesting people & builders (14.8%)

  3. How to grow through content-led growth (12.8%)

Do you agree? Feel free to share your thoughts with me.

I’m determined to teach more people how to build a life we don’t need a vacation from.

More independence, more personal growth, how to build multiple income streams, and profitable online businesses.

Building my audience has completely changed my life.

And today I teach people how to build that flywheel and ecosystem to fuel revenue to their business.

It’s priceless 🙏

That’s it for this week… 👋

If you want to learn more best practices and improve your content and performance to build organic pipeline, grab my guide.

PS. That mentor post did not turn out the way I thought it would. My old boss reached out 😂

🔥 Here’s 4 ways I can help you

Ready to become a thought leader and grow your audience & personal brand? Grab my guides or book a coaching call with me

We turn CEOs and investors into thought leaders and build organic pipeline for them.

→ Want to sponsor this newsletter and get your brand in front of 3200+ founders, builders, entrepreneurs, and leaders? Book your spot here.

Read loads of customer testimonials here 🔥