🏝️ How building a personal brand can change your life

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Building my personal brand has changed my life.

This was my life in 2021:

- I was stuck in back-to-back meetings everyday
- My income depended on my employer
- I had very little energy left after work
- Growth depended on my employer
- One client = one full-time job
- No time to build on the side
- Stuck in the 9-5 rat race
- Never ending to-do list


This is what my life looks like today:

- I am my own boss
- I've quit my 9-5 job
- Failed so many times
- I create my own growth
- Every day looks different
- I don't work with assholes
- I can work from anywhere
- I travel more with my family
- I've built a 6-figure business
- I have clients in 23+ countries
- I can finally use all of my strengths
- I'm building multiple income streams
- I've built programs, products and services
- Grown 2 newsletters to 67,000+ subscribers
- Grown an audience from 6,000-127,000+ followers
- 5-30 inbound leads from my organic content everyday
- I still work in the same area: I help startups, individuals & investors build & go-to-market

Question of the week:

"What's your goal with building your business, Hanna?"

My goal is to keep building and designing a life that I never want to escape or retire from πŸ™ 

Do you have a question for me? Hit reply to this email and ask me anything πŸ‘

In case you missed it…

πŸ₯› A year ago I interviewed Oatly (yes the oat milk) on how they build community around their brand and this is what they said

πŸ“± Let’s grow on Instagram together β†’ I just got started

πŸ”₯  5,190,085 impressions and almost 19,000 people agreed to this

🀍 Be brave enough to suck at something new - are you?

When you make your first $1 online and see how doable it is everything changes.

A whole new world opens up.


50% of all professionals will have a portfolio career by 2030

The OECD Future of Work study

Building a lean profitable online business without pressure from investors is 100% doable for so many people today. 

The barrier to entry is lower than ever before. 

Love this image by Greg Isenberg

Bet on yourself, please.

We can all:

β†’ Access the global market from our living room

β†’ Find our first customer online

β†’ Make our first $1 online

β†’ Then find 10 more of those customers

β†’ Then the next 100...

And build a life on our own terms πŸ™

BUT most people never will.

And the number one reason for it is this:

People struggle with consistency.

LinkedIn has 1 billion members.

Only 3% are consistently posting content.

"There's so much noise on LinkedIn, what's the point?"

The people you see on there now won't be around in a couple of months.

I see it ALL the time.

So stop sleeping on social media and start getting excited about the SMALL stuff.

Because consistency of small actions COMPOUNDS.

Start small, start TODAY.

Ok folks, that’s it for this week.

I’m gonna go and enjoy some sun now ✌️

We’re NOT spoiled with it in Sweden this time of the year πŸ˜†

Have a beautiful weekend!

πŸ’― PS. Want to get your brand in front of 2200+ founders, builders, entrepreneurs, and leaders? Sponsor this newsletter - Book your spot here.

πŸ”₯ Here are 4 ways I can help you

Read loads of customer testimonials here πŸ”₯