🐙 It can be tempting

When you’re building your business or your side hustle, it can be tempting…

But I’m telling you:

Don't delegate too soon.

Don't automate too soon.

Don't outsource too soon.

Do things that don't scale.

This is how you LEARN the ins and the outs of your business.

LEARN what moves the needle.

Then decide what to outsource and delegate.

Thank yourself later.

Is it too late?

No, it’s not.

I get this question a lot:

Is it too late to start building an audience?

I saw this data in one of my favourite newsletters about LinkedIn users.

For every 1000 users on LinkedIn:

  • 600 rarely show up

  • 280 never post (they lurk)

  • 90 post once per month

  • 30 post once per week

This means a TON of opportunity for the few of us who show up consistently.

And puts content out there.

And grab those eyeballs from people 👀

People spend on average 2.5 hours per day on social media

There are 65 million decision-makers on LinkedIn 🤯

Only 3 million LinkedIn users (out of 1 billion members) share content on a weekly basis.

That’s a MASSIVE opportunity for you to leverage.

LinkedIn is the place to B2B.

Learn how to sell more on LinkedIn

Yesterday I launched my 5th personal branding guide.

Who is this guide for?

It’s for founders, builders and leaders who want to grow their brand, audience and revenue.

Building my personal brand has changed my life.


I went from:

- being an employee to a 6-figure business owner

- feeling stuck to not having to hold back anymore

- having one income stream to multiple income streams

- being told what to do to have the choice to decide myself

- having no energy after work to feeling FREE, excited and content

- being stuck in back-to-back meetings to every day being different

- having an employer determining my growth to creating my own growth

I’ve gone from 6,000 followers to an audience of 146,000 followers

I can finally use all of my strengths.

I am my own boss.

I work from anywhere.

I travel more with my family.

Everything started with building my personal brand on LinkedIn.

My goal with this guide, is to teach you the invisible glue behind audience growth; the strategy I use every single day, and how we build personal brands and organic pipeline for founders.

This strategy turned me into a Top Voice and one of the most influential voices on LinkedIn.

If you have any questions about the guide, I’m just a message away 👋

PS. I just can’t stop watching this 😆 (watch the whole thing)