💰 Comment Like a Pro & Grow Your Business

→ a must if you want to GROW your business through LinkedIn

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Yes, this is next level of consistency 😅

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People ask me all the time:

→ What am I doing wrong?

Then I I ask them:

How many comments are you making every day on other people’s posts?


2 or 3.

2-3 comments per day is not enough if you want to grow an audience.

LinkedIn wants engaged members and the algorithm rewards active users who share content consistently.

Building an audience is 50 % content, 50 % engaging on the platform.

LinkedIn is not a billboard, yet most people treat it like one.

→ What is a great comment then?

Let’s start with examples of poor comments:

  • “Love it” or “100% agree”

  • Sounding like a robot

  • Repeating everything that was said in the post and adding no value to it (typical AI comment)

  • 4-5 sentences in a text block (no one has time to read text that is hard to read)

Don’t get me wrong…

Commenting “100% agree” IS a great comment if you are going from quiet lurker to becoming active.

But if you want to grow your audience and get 👀 on your content, grow your reach and get people to visit your profile, you need to learn how to leave GREAT comments.

I’ll teach you how to comment like a pro, so you can grow your business ✌️

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This is what GREAT looks like:

#1 - make an effort - create a descending list

#2 - short sentences, space between every row - comment so people can scan read it

#3 - use images - simple and does its job

#4 - common sense + keep it short

#5 - use relatable memes

A great comment is a comment that:

  • Is placed as early as possible when the post is published

  • A comment that is so good it could work as a post on its own (I made 4 out of those 5 into posts)

  • Is super easy to read - quickly scannable 👀

Building an audience and growing your business through LinkedIn requires:

  1. Great content

  2. Great comments

  3. Consistency (it’s 80% consistency and knowing what the hell you’re doing)

  4. A profile that converts traffic and 👀 into revenue 💰

Here’s how I can help you with these 4 challenges:

→ 5 - Book a session with me or check out my personal branding program → here OR see our Done For Your-services here.

See you soon 👋