🎯 This is how I make $5,000 per month on my passive income

Follow my 7 steps

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We're now 1/3 of the way through 2024.

Have you started building passive income yet?

If you haven't - this edition is for you.

A passive income sells while you sleep.

Everyone should have a passive income that generates 1-3K per month.

Why everyone?

Because renting out your time to someone will never make you financially free.

I don’t think entrepreneurship is for everyone.

But learning how to build something of your own, learning how to monetise your skills and knowledge is crucial.

Especially these days.

If you've followed me for a while, you probably know that I have built a 6-figure business during the last 16 months.

I'm building it like an ecosystem with:

→ Free products

→ Low ticket products

→ Medium ticket products

→ And high ticket products

We can also call this: building multiple revenue streams.

It’s a flywheel that keeps on spinning faster and faster.

It’s how I’m building a profitable online business.

With zero investment.

One of the revenue streams I have is digital guides.

I sell them on Gumroad.

It's a win-win;

  • I documented the things I teach in the personal branding program / coaching I do

  • a lot more people can then access my learnings and strategy for building an audience and an organic pipeline for their business

  • Gumroad charge 10% on every sold product. For me its a no brainer. It’s simple, to the point, once you upload stuff there you don’t have to handle anything on your own (purchases, taxes etc) and you can build a great email list through them

I'm a HUGE fan of keeping it simple.

This is how I do it


7 steps I follow to build & sell my digital guides:

  1. Ask yourself:

What's the one thing people ask you about ALL the time?

That is generally a good idea to build a side hustle on. Read more about this step here.

  1. Open a new slide deck. I use google slides.

  2. Begin by documenting your knowledge - don't worry about this being perfect from the start. Just start making notes, start writing it down.

  3. When everything is documented in there, start breaking it down into actionable steps - it should be easy to follow and learn from your guide.

    Turn your guide into an experience.

  4. Decide how to distribute the guide (ie for traffic and finding buyers)
    How? Ask yourself where your buyer spends their time? Build audience on that channel.

  5. Turn it into a pdf.
    Make sure you pick a great title.
    Set expectations about the content and tell people who’s it for.

  6. Launch your guide.
    Start making passive income.

And one day it can look like this, or better ↓

Start before you're ready.

Start when you're uncertain.

Start with 1 page per day.

Start with 10 minutes per day.

That’s what I did.

One day your guide is ready.

I know so many people who started out like this.

And then their side hustle grew so much so they decided to leave their employment behind, and go all in and turn their side gig into their day job.

I started with startup and go-to-market advisory.

Then when I started getting approached by CEOs to help build their personal brand on LinkedIn I built the personal branding program.

Today it’s grown into an entire ecosystem and a profitable online company.

It's never comfortable in the beginning.

But after a while things start to compound.

It’s crazy what we can achieve when we put our mind to it.

It's an incredible and empowering feeling.

And you avoid putting all your eggs in one basket.

When I got started, I never thought I would make $5,000 per month in sales on digital guides.

If I can do this, so can you.

Don't postpone it anymore → get started with building your passive income stream today.

Credit: Entrepreneursquote on Instagram

🧲 PS. Want one of these yourself? We’re now building guides and lead magnets for other people too. Right now we’re building a lead magnet for cyber security for one of our clients. Reach out → HERE if you want our help.

🔥 Before we go…

→ Want to reach 78,200+ people or 3,300+ people? You can now sponsor both The Future of Work newsletter and this newsletter - Book your spot here and book your spot here

→ Need help to build demand for your business or monetize your skills and knowledge and build multiple income streams? Send me an email: [email protected]

→ Ready to build your audience, personal brand and organic pipeline? Work with me for 3 months, here’s how

Read loads of customer testimonials here ðŸ”¥