🍿 This is how you will sell more.

How to build trust and awareness through content on social

I saw the below on LinkedIn yesterday:

Reverse engineer your offer

Think of all the steps a prospect takes

before they convert into a client.

Then, create content for each of these steps.

Ask yourself what do you need to do so they

know about you, like you, and trust you.


That’s spot on and fantastic advice.

Think about it:

Most of the time that we buy something, we make “research” about it before.

We see other people wearing it.
We see it in a window shop.
We see it in an ad.
We see it on someone you follow.
We see it in a magazine.

It’s what we all do before we purchase anything.

Oftentimes we don’t even think about.

But we do.

It’s the same thing with your business.

Ask yourself:

  • what do you need to create, reply, teach or share, to make prospects come closer?

It’s about building trust and awareness.

Letting people know that you and your services exist.
Showing up time and time again to build top of mind.

That’s why I spend so much time on creating the content needed to fuel my business.

What should you share?

Start with this list:

Talk about your experiences through content and attract the right people to you.

hot takes
show your values
make people relate
personal experiences
things that shaped you
relax and have some fun
things you wish you knew
fundamental things you believe in
a personal story based on experience

And attach a clear call-to-action at the bottom of the posts and in the comment section.

Hope you found this helpful.

Talk soon,