🔥 Avoid getting stuck - build in public

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Every time someone asks me for career tips, I tell them the 3 things that completely transformed my own career:

  1. Join a startup

  2. Learn how to sell

  3. Choose the unsexy industries where most people won’t go

You learn loads from working in a startup.

You get a lot of responsibility early in your career.

And you get a deep understanding of how a company is built.

And what is required for each phase.

There’s also less competition in the unsexy industries.

And don’t get me started on sales…

We all sell every single day.

So we might as well get really good at it.

My first early stage startup experience was when I was 26.

I sold a breast milk analysis instrument for premature babies to British hospitals.

And before I started my own company I built and scaled the unicorn company Remote as Sales Director.

My navigation throughout my career has always been my interest to learn new things and be challenged.

This led me to technology companies.

16 years later, I use all of the learnings from working and building startups, when I help my clients grow.

If someone forwarded this to you:

Build it and they will come

Building a startup is hard.

It’s not about having the perfect website or having a 100% ready product.

It’s about getting started and sell as soon as you possibly can.

Sell the vision.

Make it easier for yourself by building your personal brand.

People come to me for the inbound leads.

And to learn how to build their personal brand effectively.

You get inbound, but you also get to:

- attract investors
- attract top talent
- build organic pipeline
- become a thought leader
- shorten your sales cycles
- generate leads to your business
- build an inbound revenue stream
- fuel revenue growth to your company
- establish yourself as a credible leader
- create attention and awareness for your company

The only time I’ve seen “build it and they will come” has worked is when you build your personal brand on social media and consistently share content.

This is what my client said earlier this week after one post delivered by my company:

Start speaking to the world and increase the luck surface area for your company today.

In 2-3 years it will be significantly harder to build a personal brand.

In case you missed it…

🤯 Sam Altman says AI will make it possible for one person to build a 1 billion dollar company

💰 6 ways to get more customers - my favourite is # 2, 3 and 4, which one is yours?

🤝 I see this so often among founders and it is a sign when things won’t work out

🧃 My client Cyberjuice is revealing the ultimate strategy for small companies with small budgets who are sick of energy-draining security questionnaires - Sign up for the FREE strategy call on Feb 13th or 27th

🙅‍♀️ I have zero tolerance for this - how about you?

How I built a 100% inbound business during 12 months

Sorry to disappoint you.

There’s no fluff, no games.

Only a system and execution.

→ I published content daily on LinkedIn
→ Every post performs like a super efficient sales rep working for me 24/7 on the global market bringing in 👀
→ Post = traffic driver

With one goal:

→ Make people come to my profile
→ When they come, I build further trust & invite them into my ecosystem = become a follower


By having a highly targeted profile
→ Positioning that speaks to my target audience to warm them up
→ Zero question marks of who I am, what I do & how to work with me
→ By building more trust & relatability
→ Not quitting

I convert traffic through:

→ Featured section on my profile
→ Fuel traffic from my profile to my website
→ x2 weekly newsletter send out
→ I loop people back to my content


→ 115,000+ followers
→ 65 million+ impressions
→ 61,000+ newsletter subscribers
→ 5-30 inbound leads per day
→ Selling digital products when I sleep
→ Sold to 23+ countries
→ A 6-figure ($) business

Repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat.

→ That’s the formula.
That’s the playbook.

No fluff, no games.

→ People follow PEOPLE.

Building a lean, profitable business without pressure from investors is 100% doable for so many people today.

→ Learn the exact strategy I use here


Learn by working in a startup or become a freelancer to someone who’s doing what you want to do

Commit to becoming really good at sales

Build in public, it’s way easier (build your personal brand)

Sell as early as you possibly can

That’s it for this week, have a relaxing weekend everyone 👋

PS. This newsletter will start to go out twice per week soon - do you want to sponsor this newsletter and reach 2000+ builders and founders? You now can for 30 EUR / edition. Learn more here - Book your spots here 🔥

👩‍💻 Here’s how I can help you

Need help to build more demand for your services? Send me an email: [email protected]

Ready to become a thought leader and grow your audience & personal brand? Grab my guides or book a coaching call with me

Need help with personalised outbound or a Hubspot expert? We got you!

Read loads of customer testimonials here 🔥