🔥 9 Steps to Start Your Own Business

Actionable advice on how to get started without VC funding.

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🦚 9 Steps to Start Your Own Business

  1. Start publishing content on social media every day

    - Pick one platform
    - Define 4-5 core topics
    - Define what you want to be known for
    - Start sharing your knowledge with the world
    - Learn how to build REACH - this is your aim in the beginning
    - Update your LinkedIn profile and turn it into to a landing page

    This is the rise of the content-led business model.

    And it starts with you.

  2. Build your website 

    - Buy a domain

    I started with hannalarsson.me, then I set up hunt.rs. Already had the domain name since 10 years.

    A personal domain name is FANTASTIC because in my experience it generates a lot more traffic than a company brand.

    Again: people are interested in people.

  3. Define your offering

    - What are you going to sell - how will you monetise your knowledge?

    Program, 1:1 services, products, consulting, fractional, course, software, community etc

    - Aim for 2 pricing options in the beginning, later you can add more. This will enable people with different budgets to buy from you.

    - I started with 2, today I have low- (guides), medium- (coaching options), high-ticket options (done for you services).

  4. Start simple

    - Keep it simple
    - Start with 1-2 offers
    - Learn and ask for feedback
    - Talk to customers every day
    - You are supposed to iterate a lot in this stage
    - Do free calls in the beginning before you have built momentum
    - Learn how to master content creation - this is the best way to build demand and acquire customers

  5. Document

    - Start writing things down from the start; progress, processes, lessons, wins - this is SO great to have down the line

  6. Decide how you’re going to do payments

    - I charge through Stripe or direct bank transfer when its possible to avoid fees

  7. Collect testimonials on your website

    - Testimonials matter so much and it will help you to build more and more trust and credibility and eventually raise your prizes

  8. Build a newsletter

    An audience on social media is a rented audience.

    Therefore you should always build an email list.

    This will give you much more freedom.

    - I started my first newsletter on LinkedIn in September 2022. It’s a LinkedIn newsletter. Since then its grown into more than 86,000 subscribers. Its published weekly and it converts like butter 🧈

    Most people don’t give LinkedIn newsletters the love it deserves. I really recommend that you start one. You can check out all editions here.

    - One big mistake I did when I started out was to wait too long to build an email list. This is the best way to own your audience. I’m glad I have this newsletter today. I’m also building an email list on Gumroad.

  9. Do things that don’t scale in the beginning

    - This is how you stand out from the crowd and you learn loads about your customer.

I ❤️ meeting new entrepreneurs.

I 💚 helping people get started with building their business.

Having your own business is the best feeling in the world.

It gives you independence, options and for me it has been like coming home.

The future of work is entrepreneurship.

Do you want to learn how to build a profitable online business? Try my program: How to build a profitable online business 

Speak to you later,
Hanna 👋

Whenever you’re ready, here’s how I can help you:

FREE resources:

I have 4 main offers:

  1. Do it yourself: grab my guides

  2. Do it with you:

- book personal branding coaching  here

- program: how to build a profitable online business here

  1. Done for you: fully outsourced to us  choose between small, medium or large