I left my 9-5 and Built a 6-Figure Business in Less Than One Year

From Frustration → Business Owner

This edition is sponsored by: Juicy Prospecting

Hi, I'm Oleksandra 👋, Founder of Juicy Prospecting.

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In the autumn of 2022 I was completely fed up.

Fed up with:

  • where I was

  • the work I had been doing

  • working for people I did not enjoy working for

And sacrificing a LOT.

I knew I needed to make a change.

After I left my role as a Sales Director (Head of EMEA) at the company I was part of building from the ground up, I was looking around to see what I wanted to do next.

Naturally, I was looking for my next role.

→ Employment.

That’s what I knew, that’s what I had been all my career; employed.

After meeting one company after the other, I felt..nah..nah..nah..nah...I don’t want this anymore.

I kept thinking:

Is this all there is to it??!!

And this was a really tough time for me…

I felt confused and extremely fed up with where I was at the time.

This DEEP feeling of being fed up is what I used to my advantage.

At the end of 2022, I took a decision.

I needed to just take the jump.

So I did and I went all in.

I know what I am capable of when I go all in.

Last time I did, I built a high performing sales team and we smashed it completely and we became a triple unicorn 🦄

In case you missed it…

👵🏼 Miriam, 100-years-old, still works 50 hours every week at her family's furniture store when we love what we do

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💰 How to create guides that makes you money read the latest edition of The Future of Work

This time I was committed to building my own business.

In my way.

Over the next year this became my fuel.

I used my frustration as my fuel.

I never want to work for anyone ever again.

That’s my motivation: FREEDOM.

Freedom > everything.

So I started building.

I built newsletters, ebooks, programs, products, services etc etc.

I sold my time as a consultant, advisor and business coach.

I monetized my knowledge.

And built products and services based on what I have been doing my whole career: helping founders grow and scale businesses.

I already had my personal branding program that I was running on the side.

In the beginning I said yes to everything.

And I learnt a ton from this period.

I was working out of my company: Hanna Larsson

Then I founded Huntrs about a year ago.

And gradually it started to take shape.

I’ve iterated loads.

I still do.

I love iterating, building, talking to customers and improving what we deliver.

I built up a 6-figure business last year in less than one year.

Through organic content.

It was hard.

And so much FUN.

And when I started getting fully booked, I started outsourcing.

And gradually I built more and more products and services.

So I could sell less time.

Charge more.

And spend my time building the company.

The more I built my audience and personal brand on LinkedIn, the more inbound business I got.

→ Today I help founders to grow their business, pipeline and personal brand.

And build profitable online businesses.

The creator economy is projected to double in size from $250B to $480B over the next 5 years.

We are just at the start of this.

How we build companies have changed.

All you need is:

🧠 A solution to a problem
💻 A laptop
🌍 Any location in the world
💪 Patience
📈 Your personal brand

Don’t lose this opportunity.

Take part of this and build something of your own.

“But Hanna, everyone can’t become an entrepreneur”

I truly believe that more people would if they knew how to get started.

Most of us have only been taught one script.

This is not rocket science or brain surgery, it’s just a different script.

And we need to teach people HOW.

The feeling of independence and freedom is PRICELESS.

Be well and talk soon,

📌 PS. If you want my help with building your personal brand and online business, consider grabbing one of my guides, (launched a new guide), or book a consultation call/program with me.

Whenever you’re ready, here’s how I can help you:

FREE resources:

I have 4 main offers:

  1. Do it yourself: grab my guides

  2. Do it with you:

    - book personal branding coaching

    - program: how to build a profitable online business

  3. Done for you: fully outsourced to us → choose between small, medium or large