🤯 She Sold Her Company For $900,000,000

She did all of this without ever putting in a dollar.

You are ready. jump.

Image by Okuntakinte on Instagram

No one has it all figured out when they start something new.

→ You don't need VC funding
→ You don't need a huge team
→ You don't need the perfect plan
→ You don’t need people’s opinions
→ You don’t need the perfect website

What you need is to get STARTED.

And learn by doing.

Start → Experiment → Optimize → Get feedback → Learn → Iterate

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Reese Witherspoon

Hanna Larsson’s LinkedIn Post

Reese Witherspoon Sold Her Company For $900,000,000

This was the business model:

Reese built a book club with 2,5M subscribers.

She approached publishers of books.

She told them that in exchange for having her book club read their book, and they get the book revenue, she negotiates the exclusive rights to turn these stories into movies or TV shows.

She A/B tested which books did well in her book club, and if they would make a good TV show.

She then went to all the major platforms like HBO, Apple TV, Netflix, Disney, Prime Video etc, and sells the rights to turn the book into a movie/show.

The money she got from the major platforms she used to produce Emmy Award winning content like The Morning Show, Big Little Lies etc.

→ The revenue she got from the movies/shows went back into the book club again.


She did all of this without ever putting in a dollar.


This my friends is genius.

And a perfect example of the compounding effect of personal branding.

And no... this is NOT just for Hollywood actors.

Start building your personal brand into an asset that will compound for you.

It starts with one decision and one post, and a relentless vision of what you want to build.

In case you missed it…

🔒 Read the latest edition of The Future of Work Newsletter: The future of sales ❤️AI

😂 Only introverts will understand this → here

💵 Scott Galloway knows how to get you rich..slowly.

🥸 Next time someone says: “polls on LinkedIn doesn’t work” - show them this

Hanna’s poll on LinkedIn

Btw - which one are you?

Talk soon,

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